
所属专辑: Boston

演唱者: Augustana

那些我很冒险的梦 不是你陪我去疯-不想走








没有疤痕的心 。没有疤痕的心。


--?? 前面.


在操场上遇到你. 目光没有在我身上 . 嘴角上扬着.

容纳上万人的操场 . 与你有着爱恨关系的人. 遇见几率是万分之一.

被你放弃以后 . 是我应得的自由.


新人来旧人去 .潮水般来来回回.



付出了太多却得不到回应 任哪个爱心泛滥的人也会感到疲倦

随之 消失在熙攘不息的人海里



现在来说 身边的人是谁都无所谓了







如果你看见一个醉醺醺脏兮兮的酒鬼 那个杂种 或许是我。




in the light of the sun

is there anyone? oh it has begun

oh dear you look so lost

eyes are red and tears are shed

this world you must've crossed


you said, you don't know me, you don't even care

you said, you don't know me, you don't even care


essential and appealed

carry all your thoughts across an open field

when flowers gaze at you

they're not the only ones

who cry when they see you


you said, you don't know me, you don't even care

you said, you don't know me, you don't even care


she said I think I'll go to Boston

I think I'll start a new life

I think I'll start it over

where no one knows my name


I'll get out of California

I'm tired of the weather

I think I'll get a lover

and fly 'em out to Spain


I think I'll go to Boston

I think that I'm just tired

I think I need a new town

to leave this all behind


I think I need a sunrise

I'm tired of the sunset

I hear it's nice in the Summer

some snow would be nice


you don't know me, you don't even care

Boston, where no one knows my name